Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Kolli Hills - The winding mountains

At the start point
This was a well planned ride. A sync ride for the 2013 Leh riders. A ride meant for us to get to know each other better, understand riding patterns and just have a jolly good time. I have been preparing myself for the mecca of rides to Leh for quite some time now, learning from my mechanic on how to fix various problems that might arise in the bike. I was hoping to utilize my newly learnt knowledge during this preparatory ride to Kolli hills, and so was all the more eager. We were 13 of us in the group, expecting 3 more to join us at Kolli hills directly.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

One Ride, One spirit - 2013

Pre-Ride Briefing. Photo Courtesy : Vinay BR
One Ride, an event started by Royal Enfield in 2011. Their mission was simple. They asked all RE owners to take their bike out and go on a ride on the first Sunday of every April. This is where Royal Indians Enfield Owners Club comes in. The thought of going for a ride is great, but where? with who? and how to handle breakdowns?? That's why, we as a club, sent out invites to as many Royal Enfield Owners as we could asking them to ride to Tonnure Kere with us. Finally, on 7th April, 2013, at 6am, there were 120 bullets standing in front of ISKCON, raging to go. Many riders were new, while few were club members gone absconding. It was great fun to meet people after such a long time, and made me proud to be part of such a buzzing club!!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

300 kms for a Dosa!!

Yes!! It's as crazy as the title suggests. We at RIEOC, are just that crazy about riding our bullets!! It all started as just another discussion on what to do on the upcoming Sunday. This soon changed to a plan to ride till Mysore, to enjoy some amazing dosas from Hotel Mylari, Nazarbad. The last few rides had all been executed flawlessly. They hadn't been boring, but they certainly lacked the excitement and anxiety when everything goes wrong!! Not saying that everything went wrong in this ride, but a few things certainly did.